If your urine leaks when you sneeze, cough, laugh or jump; that is a significant sign that you have a urinary incontinence problem. If you’ve ever had an embarrassing episode in public where you accidentally peed at the mall or your office, then it may be time for a consultation.
This ‘silent epidemic’ is experienced by many women although many are ashamed to admit that they have this problem. In the long run, it will most likely affect your lifestyle and you cannot do things that you normally do as there are always concerns about soiling yourself or not making it in time to the bathroom.
Many women experience urinary incontinence during their third trimester and post-pregnancy. This incontinence will become more severe with more children. Our pelvic floor muscles endured a lot of weight-bearing and trauma throughout our pregnancy and labor leading them to become weakened as we age.
Urinary Incontinence Affects Many People - Especially Mothers!
Urinary incontinence can be caused by daily habits, underlying medical conditions or physical problems, or old age. A thorough evaluation by our doctor can help determine what’s behind your incontinence.
Urinary incontinence is not just a bother to some people, it can mostly heavily affect people’s lives and daily activities. Some people with urinary incontinence problems have to get up several times in the middle of the night just to pee. This will disrupt their activities in the day as they are too tired from their nightly toilet trips.
Postpartum Stress Incontinence
During pregnancy, the pelvic floor muscles bear the weight of the baby — that’s an extra 10-15KG that is being carried for a staggering 9 months! The extra weight inevitably weakens the pelvic floor muscles, which also helps with bladder control. Here, the weakened muscles send a signal to the body that you need to urinate even when the bladder is far from full — causing incontinence.
Urinary incontinence should not be seen as a curse for having children, we must be proud of our body for what it has achieved and gone through. Muscles can be trained and strengthened, just like going to the gym, we can build abs, triceps, and biceps. We can definitely strengthen our pelvic muscles too!
Ever Heard of Kegel Exercises?
Kegel exercises go hand-in-hand with bladder training for getting incontinence under control. It involves strengthening the pelvic muscles that hold urine in the bladder.
The pelvic floor is the base of the group of muscles referred to as your ‘core’. These muscles are located in your pelvis and stretch like a hammock from the pubic bone. Try to practice stopping your urine midstream or when you hold in gas, this is how you can find your pelvic muscles. This is called the kegel exercise.
These kegel exercises help to train your pelvic muscles and will control your incontinence. You can make a habit of doing these kegel exercises throughout your day but we will never know if it will be enough to curb your incontinence problems. No matter how many times you do Kegels daily, you may still have urinary incontinence problems.
Re-Educate Your Pelvic Muscle
Emsella is a US FDA-approved revolutionary technology that helps to significantly and effortlessly strengthen the pelvic floor muscles — banishing the plaguing incontinence trouble that has tormented so many people around the world.
This treatment offers a non-invasive, non-surgical, and completely comfortable solution that transforms women’s (and men’s!) lives and quality of life all across the world.
With Emsella, you can expect the stronger pelvic muscles to not only help to reduce incontinence, but also improve sexual wellness and overall sexual satisfaction — boosting confidence in both yourself and your partner.
Emsella Delivers 12000x Pelvic Floor Contractions in Just 28 Mere Minutes
Emsella utilizes High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to trigger deep pelvic floor muscle stimulations.
This is what is called the supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions. Here, the technology generates electromagnetic currents to create a magnetic field around the muscles. Then, the field triggers the contractions, which helps to give the pelvic floor muscles a workout. With the technology, your muscles are undergoing an intense workout — without you even having to exert any effort.
These thousands of supramaximal contractions aid in re-educating the pelvic floor muscles — strengthening and tightening any atrophied and weakened muscles.
Each session of 28 minutes triggers 12,000x pelvic floor muscle contractions, a feat that is made possible only with the help of Emsella.
- Short Sessions of Just 28 minutes
- Walk-In, Walk-Out Procedure
- Remain Fully Clothed
- Non-Invasive
- Non-Surgical
- Zero Downtime
- Zero Pain
- FDA-Approved for both urinary incontinence & overactive bladder
Emsella is Now Available in Malaysia at B&Co Clinic The Gardens Mall Kuala Lumpur
If you’re interested to find out more, you can connect with us at:
FB: @beautynco.clinic
Insta: @beautynco.clinic
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/60125658133
Website: https://www.beautyncoclinic.com/