Being a mummy is the best job in the world! Bringing a beautiful baby into the world is a personal battle all mummies have experienced. Whether you had a C-section or a normal birth, the challenges a mummy has to go through during pregnancy and childbirth is nothing short of amazing. Throughout the whole experience, our bodies change drastically. We will start realising hips we’ve never had before or the extra fat that was never there before.
These changes in our bodies may be overwhelming for mummies as we may never get back the body we had before and have to learn to navigate a new and different body. Here at beauty & Co we want to serve you in helping you gain back the body you had before your baby. To help you to feel more confident in your skin whether you are surrounded by people, with your partner or when you are alone in bed.
Changes You May Notice After Becoming a Mummy:
Stretch Marks
Flabby Stomach
Diastasis Recti
Poor Pelvic Muscles
Loosened Vaginal
Urinary Incontinence
You may need one or a combination of the treatments below to get the desired result
FDA Approved
The machine that is designed for pelvic muscle strengthening and vaginal tightening, Emsella performs 12,000 kegels in 28 minutes. Effectively saving you from any worries you have down south.
FDA Approved
The first procedure to combine radio frequency heating and high-intensity focused electromagnetic waves into a single therapy, Emsculpt NEO from BTL, has launched. It is FDA-cleared to eliminate fat cells non-invasively.
FDA Approved
Freeze away up to 25% of stubborn fat permanently from your body. The advanced Cryolypolisis treatment by Cooltech is the state of the art method that helps you get rid of fat without breaking a sweat.
Freeze away up to 25% of stubborn fat permanently from your body. The advanced Cryolypolisis treatment by Cooltech is the state of the art method that helps you get rid of fat without breaking a sweat.
Exilis Ultra 360°
FDA Approved.
The Exilis Ultra 360 is the only 360` radiofrequency and ultrasound technology to tighten and shape all body parts, from head to toe.
FDA Approved
Enhance your orgasms in the bedroom with the Exilis Ultrafemme 360. Increasing your collagen, elastin and sensitivity; you will feel like a new woman in the bedroom.
FDA Approved
Named the Ferrari of Laser, PicoWay safely targets stubborn pigmentation with no downtime and side effects. The world’s best laser for pigmentation - there is no other laser like PicoWay.
FDA Approved.
A powerful, fast and advanced laser treatment trusted by physicians across the globe. Green and yellow lights emitted by the Dual Yellow Laser effectively treats and clears melanoma, acne, redness and sensitivity.
The Beauty & Co Clinic Difference
B&Co Clinic provides a multi-treatment approach that serves as a one-stop center to solve all your skin and body problems. We focus on using the correct approach to your skin condition by using accurate diagnosis and suitable treatment suggestions by a verified dermatologist. Don’t worry, you are safe with us!
Our state-of-the-art equipment with the latest technologies are FDA Certified and our LCP Certified Doctor will make sure that all treatments are administered according to guide-lined protocols while achieving the best possible result for you.