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The Nature Professionals

ZUCCARI is the benchmark for anyone who believes that “nature” means more than “natural”. Just using plant extracts isn’t enough: it’s also essential to use processes consistent with the production of authentic “well-being”. ZUCCARI today evokes Italian excellence in dietary supplements, cosmetics, educational publications and holistic personal well-being. The ZUCCARI brand is found in the best pharmacies, herbalists and health product retailers across 34 countries and 5 continents.

Achieving Italian perfection in their research and development, ZUCCARI has been developing products that fully embrace natural ingredients since 1993. ZUCCARI selects the raw materials to be used in its products not according to trend logic, but to respond to concrete needs. The Research and Development Department is a natural investigation department to understand the secrets of each active ingredient and its noblest uses. With meticulous care in their production protocols, ZUCCARI manages to reach full potential of ingredients used in their products such as Aloe Vera, Papaya, Super Orange, King’s Oil, Pineapple and many more.

Bringing ZUCCARI to Malaysia, Beauty & Co takes pride in partnering with brands that believe the importance of going back to basics of ingredients used in products and maximising their full potential to accommodate customer needs. Beauty & Co supports ZUCCARI developing totally active formulas capable of making a difference , satisfying an immediate need, but offering the serenity to investigate the real causes of a malaise.

Zuccari Super Ananas